Have you heard of Quark before? I first ‘discovered’ Quark about a year ago in my local super-market and had wondered why there was only one brand on the market (you could quite easily miss it amongst of all of the cottage cheeses, cream cheeses and hard cheeses!). Quark is a virtually fat-free cream cheese and just recently, The Lake District Dairy Co. launched THREE new varieties, their Original, Lemon, and Vanilla flavours!
Quark is naturally fat-free and it can be used in desserts such as cheese cake instead of cream or cream cheese, which lowers both the fat and calorie content, and it tastes delicious in a smoothie (see below), in carrot cake and in pancakes. Quark also works well in savoury dishes such as pasta, in a stir fry (see below) or in a fish pie instead of using more traditional ingredients like cream, crème fraiche or soft cheese; Quark adds a smooth and creamy richness without the extra calories!
This natural ‘wonder ingredient’ is packed with impressive nutritional credentials – it’s high in protein, naturally fat free and low in both salt and sugar.
- Is 1/5th of the Calories of full-fat cream cheese
- Contains trace of Salt
- Is less than 0.1g Fat
- Has more than twice the Protein of low fat yoghurt
- Contains just 0.9g Carbs
- Scores ‘all green’ on its on-pack GDAs (Guideline Daily Amounts).
Using Quark in everyday cooking or baking is a simple way to help make meals more nutritious and healthier WITHOUT having to sacrifice on flavour. The Lake District Dairy Co. Quark also contains NO preservatives or artificial flavours. It has a big thumbs up from me!
Naturally Fat-Free Original Quark:
- Perfect for cooking baking and mixing. It’s the lowest in calorie and sugar out of all of the flavours.
- Nutrition (per 30g serving): 19kcals, 0.9g Sugar, 0.1g Fat, Trace: Saturates, Trace: Salt.
Naturally Fat-Free Vanilla Quark:
- Ideal as a naturally fat free dessert topping, baking ingredient or even eaten straight from the pot.
- Nutrition (per 30g serving): 29kcals, 3.7g Sugar, 0.1g Fat, Trace: Saturates, Trace: Salt.

1 cup/120g Vanilla Quark, 1 Frozen Banana,
7 Strawberries/1 cup Berries,
1 tsp Maple Syrup, 200ml Milk, Ice-Cubes
*serves 2*
*140Kcal, 25g Carb, 11g Pro, 0.3g Fat*
Naturally Fat-Free Lemon Quark:
- Zingy and silky with a fresh citrus taste that adds a new dimension to almost any recipe.
- Nutrition (per 30g serving): 23kcals, 2.3g Sugar, 0.1g Fat, Trace: Saturates, Trace: Salt.
Do you use Quark in cooking or baking?! Or on it’s own? Do let me know!
*Samples of the product mentioned were supplied to me free of charge however this review is 100% honest and of my own opinion. I was not influenced in any way by the free samples supplied and do not promote this product more than other products that I have not reviewed. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.
Where can I buy the three new variety of Quark
Hey, try Tesco – But I’ve seen plain in Morrisons! Nic
Just had the lemon quark on my porridge. It’s so light and refreshing. I got it from sainsburys if people are still struggling to find it.
Ooh that sounds lovely! Thanks Danielle, I’ve seen plain Quark in Morrisons and Asd so far! x
Hi How can quark be naturally fat free if done from the milk witn naturall 3.5-4.5 % fat ? Where do all fat go? When I do my own quark from not homogonized milk it does not taste like fat free. Could you please explain what do mean by thta, how is this possible? Regards.
Hello! Quark is virtually fat-free because it is made from the whey of milk (protein.. which is fat-free!), I hope this helps 🙂 x
Just tried my 1st recipe with plain Quark, bananas, honey, lemon zest and it was very refreshing…plus nutritious. I am excited to discover this option for my sweet tooth!
Aw thank you for your comment, so glad you like them! xx
Do any of the quark flavours contain aspartame as a sweetener? Especially the vanilla one?
I read in a magazine that quark contains vitamin D, is this correct?
Mmmm it contains calcium, but not vitamin D!
Hi is quark gluten free?
It’s naturally gluten free but always good to check the label for additions!