My top 5 healthy smoothie recipes!

I’m going to share with you 5 of my personal favourites! But first some of the benefits of having smoothies!

4 Healthy Smoothie Recipes & Tribest Blender Review!

Hello! So last month I showed you some of my favourite juice recipes and in this blog post I thought I’d show you some of my favourite smoothie recipes using this amazing new DynaPro blender…

Carrot, Orange & Banana Smoothie

Hello! So if you’re looking for a smoothie recipe that not only tastes delicious, but contains ALL of your 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, then you’ve come to the right place!   For this…

Healthy Pumpkin Spice Tea or Coffee Latte!

Seeing those ‘red cups’ really reminds me of Christmas BUT for some reason I’m never a big fan of coffee shop bought pumpkin spice lattes. I was really disappointed with the last one I ordered…

Matcha Green Tea Latte Recipe

Last year I was given a tub of matcha green tea and to be honest I didn’t really know what to do with it.. A shot glass came with it so naturally I went with…