Healthy Waffle Recipe!

Waffles have always intrigued me, but given that the majority are loaded with sugar and calories I’ve never been a big fan.. until now! Waffles can actually make the perfect healthy breakfast, snack or dessert (when…

Chocolate Protein Pancakes!

After making a video for my Greek Yoghurt Healthy Pancake Recipe I thought it was time to make a protein version of the pancakes.. a chocolate protein version for that matter! And you can [click here]…

Healthy French Toast (aka Eggy Bread!)

So who knew that French Toast and Eggy Bread were the same thing?! Well, not me until a few weeks ago!!   I used to love Eggy Bread as a kid and was super excited…

Chocolate & Raspberry Protein Muffins

When you get used to eating copious amounts of chocolate/chocolate every day over Christmas I for one cannot just go cold turkey… I have to be weaned off gradually and for me these delicious chocolate…

Five Healthy, Delicious Juice Recipes!

Hello January and Goodbye Christmas Chocolate .. well almost ;).   If you’re anything like me and indulged over the Christmas period they you may be feeling like a much needed ‘detox’ / ‘nutrient boost’.…