PPB stands for Powdered Peanut Butter, and if you’ve been following my blog for a while then you’ll know that I LOVE peanut butter.. however eating copious amounts of it ISN’T good for the waist line(!). A few months ago I blogged & made a video all about PB2 (America’s answer to those of us who love peanut butter but also love a slim figure!) and today I’m super pleased to be blogging about the *new* UK version.. PPB!
PPB is made by Hale Naturals (use code NIC10 for 10% off!) and you can see my favourite recipes using it [here]. You can also buy PPB from MuscleFood (use NIC5 for 5% off) and Amazon!
So, what is PPB?
PPB is made from ground roasted peanuts, with nearly all of the oil removed.. aka ‘a low fat powdered peanut butter’! PPB is much lower in calories and fat than peanuts or peanut butter, and it is higher in protein. This is great news for people trying to lose weight as excess calories can hinder weight loss efforts, and protein helps people to feel fuller for longer as well as promoting the maintenance of lean muscle mass.
To make peanut butter from PPB you simply mix 2 tbsp of the peanut flour with 1 tbsp of either milk or water and mix. PPB plus milk or water doesn’t taste exactly like peanut butter but it’s pretty close, and some people actually PREFER the taste! Adding milk/water to PPB also means that you are in control of how thick/creamy you make the consistency.
PPB tastes delicious, is naturally gluten free and it provides vitamin E, folate, fibre, niacin, magnesium and phosphorus. PPB is low in carbohydrates which means that when blended with other flours, is perfect for making lower carb baked goods. PPB is also a natural thickener and can be added to smoothies, stews, sauces and gravy.
What else can you do with PPB?
PPB is very versatile. It can be used to add flavour to baked goods such as cookies and pancakes, as well as in marinades, sauces and dressings, and as I said in my PB2 review, here are my top suggestions!
- Apple Dip: Mix 2 tbsp of PPB to 1.5-2 tbsp of milk to create a ‘dip’ like creamy consistency.
- Oatmeal/Quinoa Porridge: Add 1-2 tbsp of PPB AFTER cooking.
- Overnight Oats: Add 1-2 tbsp of PPB in the morning!
- Smoothies/Shakes: Add 1-2 tbsp of PPB to your protein shake or smoothie.
- Pancakes: Add 1-2 tbsp of PPB to your pancake mix before cooking.
- Cookies: Add 1-2 tbsp of PPB to your dry cookie mix before combining the wet ingredients.
- Banana Creams: Mix 2 tbsp of PPB to 1 tbsp of milk & smooth onto semi-frozen banana chunks (my fave!).
- Ice-Cream: Blend a frozen banana with fat-free Greek yoghurt & 2 tbsp of PPB or use in your Yonanas.
- Granola: Add to your 1-2 tbsp of PPB to your granola mix before baking.
- Yoghurt: Add 1-2 tbsp of PPB to plain/Greek yoghurt & mix well.
- Sauce: Simple mix 2-3 tbsp of milk or water to 2 tbsp of PPB to make a ‘sauce consistency’.. perfect on pancakes!
If you want to make big batches of PPB then I would suggest using your food processor to combine the PPB and then water/milk until you have your desired consistency – that’s the real beauty about PPB, you’re fully in control of how creamy and ‘gooey’ you want it to be!
What are the nutrition facts?
- Two tbsp of regular peanut butter: 190 calories, 15g fat (3g saturated fat)
- Two tbsp of PPB: 53 calories, 1.6-1.9g fat (0.2g saturated fat) – flavour dependent
The stats really do speak for themselves – if you want the all taste of peanut butter but without all of the calories and fat that comes with it, then PPB is your product!
Below are the stats for per 100g in comparison to regular peanut butters:
What flavours of PPB are available?
- Original
– Sweetened with a touch of sugar (as with PB2)
- Chocolate
– With added cocoa for a chocolatey taste
- Stevia
– Sweetened with natural stevia instead of sugar
All of the flavours are trans fats and hydrogenated oil free (the worst types of fat for your health), have 70% less fat than traditional peanut butter (when compared to leading supermarket brands), are certified gluten free and are manufactured in the U.K. I love all 3 flavours equally. but I enjoy the stevia one slightly more ‘guilt-free’ than the others ;).
Any downsides to PPB?
If 70% of the fat is removed then so are 70% of the fat-soluble vitamins, namely vitamin E, and just like most jars of regular peanut butter, PPB does have small amounts of added sugar (original and chocolate flavour) and salt. I for one however live by the 80:20 rule and am more than happy to keep using PPB as a great tasting source of protein (5g per 2 tbsp) and a way of NOT piling on the pounds (if you have the will-powder to keep your regular jar of peanut butter opened and in your fridge for longer than a week then I salute you!!).
Where can you buy PPB?
You can buy PPB from Hale Naturals (use NIC10 for 10% off), MuscleFood (use NIC5 for 5% off) and Amazon also sell it! Do let me know if you try PPB and what you think of it!
For more information, check out my video review of PB2:
[2014 SEPTEMBER UPDATE] – Hale Naturals have just brought out a PPB with Whey Protein! Each 35g serving contains 140 calories and provides 16g of protein with 3g fat and 10g carbs. It tastes great and is ideal for adding to smoothies, for topping on a rice cake post work out and for making Quest Bars.. as you can see in a video [here]!
*Samples of the product mentioned were supplied to me free of charge however this review is 100% honest and of my own opinion. I was not influenced in any way by the free samples supplied and do not promote this product more than other products that I have not reviewed. This blog post contains affiliate links to Amazon. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.
This stuff looks great – I really wanted to find PB2 when you first mentioned it so glad there’s a uk version now!
Sharon x
Hurray! I love it – do let me know what you think! Nic xx
I’ve tried PB2 (bought it on Amazon) and I would say that it tastes the same as normal PB – it’s just more healthy 🙂 The only downside is that used it quicker than a normal PB in a jar. However, PB2 is much better when you add to your recipies as it comes in powder form so it’s easier to mix up with anything.
Totally agree Lenka! Using PPB in my next 2 recipes, so look out for it 🙂 x
I can’t decide whether to go for the original or the stevia sweetened version. In your opinion which version tastes more like a normal peanut butter. I was wondering if the stevia one did taste considerably sweeter. Thanks
Hello! I’d probably go for the original then 🙂 x
Just ordered my twin pack off Amazon ideas are fantastic for desserts
Hurray! Can’t wait to hear what you think of them – my fave way to enjoy PPB is simply mixed into Greek yoghurt with fruit dipped in – SO good!!
I’m so glad I’ve seen this post, I ate quarter of a jar of peanut butter today, I have just ordered 2 jars can’t wait to try it! X
Hehe you’re like me!! Let me know what you think 🙂 xx
Its different but it defiantly curbed my peanut butter cravings! Going to try it with my porridge and my protein shake tomorrow and also how you suggested with Greek yogurt! Thanks for saving my waistline! X
Hehe no problem!! Glad to help 🙂 My fave is on half a frozen banana – spooned on top like an ice cream 🙂 xx
i have some natural peanut butter with 100% Peanuts in it! isn’t this a better Option than pb 2 with sugar or stevia in it?
Hello! Of course natural is always better but PPB/PB2 is just a way of eating more with fewer calories – so good if you eat by volume or use it in baking and want to lose weight – in just helps with lowering calories ‘in’ 🙂 x
Hi Nic
New to your website
Loving it
I’ve made loads from it already
Q this powdered peanut butter sounds brill
But there’s like triple the amount of sugar in it, I know the fat is A LOT lower and PROTEIN is a lot higher
But isn’t sugar the killer? But like you said all in moderation
Yes exactly! And no it’s only a small amount of sugar in original PPB or NONE in the stevia version 🙂 I’m baking recipes trying to swap PPB for almond meal (aka ground almonds!) as an alternative FYI 🙂 xx
Hi Nic, thank you for your recipes and tips. They are helping me to slowly change some bad habits without missing out on treats. I finally gave in and ordered some PB2. It arrived today and I have added it to my usual chocolate flavoured protein shake. It tastes just like Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups. I am a convert!
Hurray!! Hehe Aw I’m so pleased 🙂 Thank you for your lovely comment!! xx