Losing Weight & Feeling Good for your Wedding Dress

Losing Weight & Feeling Good for your Wedding Dress

Hey guys! So as you may or may not know I’m getting married next September (1 year to go, hurray!) and the other week I bought my wedding dress (I like to be organised!). Buying my dress (and being sized up for it!) got me thinking about how I wanted to look, and more importantly FEEL on my wedding day, which is what inspired this blog post. I’ve already written a blog post about skin health [which you can read here], and this is part 2 of my ‘Getting Bridal Ready’ series!


So read on (and/or check out my latest video) for my top tips on how to get Bridal ready for your dress i.e. how to feel good, transform your health (and lose weight if necessary) before your big day! I would love to hear if you have any more tips for me or other people too!



  • Tip 1) Dress to your Body Shape and Figure

So tip number 1 isn’t about what you eat, it’s about dressing to your own body shape. My advice (and what I did!) is try on lots of different styles of dresses and get an honest opinion on what looks good from your friends and/or family. Do you have an amazing waist, boobs or bum?! If so, make the most of it and make sure that your dress is flattering.

It’s amazing how much of a difference dressing to your figure can make to not only how you look but your confidence too.


  • Tip 2) Be Realistic with how much your Weight will change (if at all)

Now don’t get me wrong, I do NOT want you to become weight obsessed however it’s a good idea, especially when you’re being sized up for your dress, to have in mind if you plan on losing, gaining or staying the same weight. As I explain in the video, I’m currently a few kilos heavier than what I usually am (and feel most comfortable at) and I told this to the dress shop owner. She explained that it’s a lot easier to take in a wedding dress (by 1-2 sizes) than it is to make it bigger. I also told her where I tend to store my weight (for me it’s my thighs) which may or may not make a difference to the size of dress that is ordered for you.

Above all though, you want to make sure that you’re going to feel comfortable on your wedding day; remember that you’ll be wearing your dress for over 12 hours and will be walking, eating, drinking and dancing in it too!


  • Tip 3) Make sure you’re Feeling Happy & Confident

How long have you got before you get married? Whether it’s a few days, weeks or months, make sure that you are sleeping well (averaging 7-8 hours of quality sleep a night), eating well (eating a mainly whole foods diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, fish, wholegrain, healthy fats such as olive oil and fluids) and taking time to relax: achieve a positive work/life balance is so important when it comes to reducing stress levels.


  • Tip 4) Start making Lifestyle Changes now

Remember, you’re not on a diet, you’re simply eating in accordance to your health goals. Never say you’re going ‘on a diet’ as inevitably you will come ‘off it’; instead think of the time before your wedding as a journey towards a healthier lifestyle and a better way of eating. Start small and success will come; just remember that consistency and determination are key.

Something that I always encourage when it comes to making lifestyle changes is to change your eating environments. By this I mean buy in the foods that you wish to eat (remember the 80/20 rule here!) and keep higher calorie foods such as biscuits out of sight. If you want more information on changing your eating environment then I highly recommend that you check out an amazing book called Slim by Design – it has honestly changed my life!


  • Tip 5) Track your Food intake and/or Weight/Size

If you’re at a loose end as to where to start with your health/fitness journey then I would highly recommend keeping a food diary, even if it’s only for a week. I would also recommend you do this if you are trying to lose weight too. Keeping a food diary gives you a starting point; you find out exactly what you are eating when, and more importantly why you are eating it. From there it’s then much easier to start coming up with a change plan!

Regarding weight, I personally like to weigh myself once or twice a week however it’s not all about weight (obviously muscle is denser than fat!) and what matters more is your health and how you feel. You may want to track your journey using photographs or a tap measure, or even be more subjective and go on simply how you feel. It’s your body so it’s your decision.


  • Tip 6) Exercise

Most brides want to “tone up” one or more areas of their body, which means building a small amount of muscle and losing a small amount of fat. Exercise not only reduces stress and makes you feel good but it can help to burn fat and build muscle. Most dresses show off a bride’s arms so it may be worth looking into some exercises that focus on this. I love [this bridal routine] from the Tone It Up girls but there are many more on YouTube to choose from!

Once I’m qualified as a Personal Trainer (this December hopefully!) I will start to share with you more of my workout routines!


Nic Oliver save the date


I really hope you enjoyed this blog post and congratulations if you’re getting married soon!!



*Many thanks to Amy from Fields Photography London for the top and bottom images. This blog post contains an affiliate link, please read my disclaimer page for more information.


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