Go Cook Yourself .. Recipe Book Launch

Go Cook Yourself .. Recipe Book Launch


The other week the amazing Rob Goodswen from GoCookYourself kindly sent me his first ever recipe book .. “massive congrats Rob”!! I first met Rob at my ‘website re-launch party’ last year (cue picture below.. yes he’s tall and I’m small.. despite heels!) and was immediately drawn in by his passion for what he does.. which is creating delicious, easy to follow recipes, FOOD-PORN style (he loves a good egg-yolk.. #FoodPornArmy!). And, if you don’t like his style, well “go cook yourself” ;).


Nichola Whitehead Rob Goodswen

In Rob’s first ever cook book you will find 40 of his favourite recipes from the first year of his blog GoCookYourself.com. Some are quick, some take a little longer, but ALL of them are super tasty and really easy to follow (Rob’s words, and I agree!). Rob believes that cooking should be fun, and that anyone can do it.

The recipe book is easy to read and each recipe is accompanied with a sumptuous looking photo along with super simple instructions.. e.g. “HEAT oven to 220C.. SKIN sweet potato..” .. you seriously can’t go wrong. There’s no obscure ingredients and you can feel safe in the knowledge that the end result will taste amazing.. after all, Rob is all about the taste!

Go Cook Yourself

When Rob’s recipe book arrived he wrote this on the packet (look up) – big LOL. This comment just made me more determined to make his delicious food fit into my “nic’s nutrition” lifestyle. SO, I sat down with an apple (scroll down for pic!) and started leafing through the pages.

Although it could be argued that SOME of the recipes should definitely feature in the “20” of the “80:20 rule”, yes I’m meaning the “Death by Camembert” and single-cream filled “Carb your Enthusiasm Carbonara”.. quite a lot of the recipes are indeed ‘Nic’s Nutrition Approved” (!) .. and they include:

  • Sundried Tomato Pesto (made with cashews.. mmmm)
  • Pizza Sauce Like a Boss
  • Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges
  • Protein Cups
  • Sweet As Corn Fritters
  • Chinese Chicken Salad
  • Speeds Gonzalez Lasagne
  • Asigo & Rocket Salad

This is just a little glimpse into the recipe book which is filled with hilarious quotes and is divided up into the following sections: basics, starters, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, sides and dessert.. the High On Brownies & Och Aye Oat Cookies are DEFINITELY on my ‘to bake’ list.. on my ‘treat’ day!!

Oh & I can’t write this post without mentioning one of the WEIRDEST recipes I’ve ever seen.. ‘Cherries Wrapped In Bacon’.. what the?? Sorry Rob, I’m going to have to go cook myself on that one ;).

Go Cook Yourself

So there you have it, my first ever ‘recipe book review’ of a fellow local blogger! I hope you liked it.. I’m off to go eat my dinner.. and yes, the recipes are credit to Rob .. Sweet As Corn Fritters & Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges #FoodPornArmy :).

To check out Rob’s recipe book [click here] & use these links to follow him on: GoCookYourself.com – check out the Oreo pancakes(!!), Twitter, Instagram & YouTube.. you’ve got to love the Huddersfield accent!!


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