I love smoothies and if you’ve read my Blending Versus Juicing blog post then you’ll know why..
1) Smoothies contain the whole fruit/veg and so are high in fibre, they release their energy slowly and are super filling.
2) You can add milk, yoghurt or whey protein to boost the calcium/protein content.
3) They taste sweet, even when you add green veg (check out my green monster smoothie!).
4) They are quick to make and all you need is a blender.
5) There is much less cleaning up to do in comparison to juicing and there is less waste too!
Smoothies make the perfect sit-down breakfast in warm weather, or if you’re short of time you can drink them on the go. Below I’ve blogged three of my favourite dairy-free smoothie recipes so that even people who can’t have lactose can enjoy them too!
P.S. I always get asked what blender I use and lately I’ve been using the Tribest Personal Blender 250 which I reviewed [here].
Beauty Smoothie
Ingredients: 1/2 frozen banana, 100g strawberries, 50g blueberries, 100ml fresh orange juice & 2 teaspoons soya yoghurt.
Method: Add all of the ingredients into a blender & blend!
Nutrition Stats: 166 Calories, 0.6g fat, 34g carbs, 2.5g protein.
Raw Chocolate Nut Shake
Ingredients: 1/2 chopped frozen banana, 3 pitted dates, heaped teaspoon cocoa, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla, scoop of whey protein (optional) & 250ml hazelnut milk.
Method: Add all of the ingredients into a blender & blend!
Nutrition Stats: 206 Calories, 4.2g fat, 38g carbs, 2.3g protein (without protein powder).
Energy Burst Smoothie
Ingredients: 1 small frozen banana, 1/2 small tin of drained pineapple (or 1/4 of a fresh pineapple), a large handful of spinach, 1 kiwi & 1/4 tsp Power Greens (optional).
Power Greens is a blend of spirulina, wheat grass juice powder, cholera powder, barley grass juice powder and brassica blend powder.. they provide high levels of nutrients, such as vitamin K, beta-carotene, vitamin C and iron. As I say in the video above though, they aren’t needed for a healthy diet but can give your smoothie a little ‘boost’ if added!
Method: Add all of the ingredients into a blender & blend!
Nutrition Stats: 170 Calories, 1.1g fat, 47g carbs, 3.2g protein.
I really hope you enjoy making these smoothies.. which is your favourite?!
*A sample of the greens powder was supplied to me to try. This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.