Ask a Dietitian.. Calories, Carbs, Cellulite, Cholesterol & More!

Ask a Dietitian.. Calories, Carbs, Cellulite, Cholesterol & More!

This week I’m answering YOUR questions that you asked me on social media (I love filming these types of videos!).


I’ve listed the topics talked about below the video, in the order which I talk about them (so you can scroll to relevant questions/only watch the video if you want!) and will be posting another Q & A video very soon – so do leave me a question below if you want it answering and I haven’t done already!


I’ve also included a link to my other Q&A videos below as well just incase you want to check them out. Thank you for watching!






Sugars on a label

Sugar alternatives e.g. xylitol/Sukrin as featured in this video

Paleo diet

Working out late / eating at night

Making water less boring

Cholesterol & alcohol, coconut oil & eggs

Fizzy drinks

Calories for weight loss; metabolic calculator

Losing weight if you don’t like fruit and veg


Bariatric surgery, more info [here]

Being a dietitian video

Carbs, more info [here]

Fats, more info [here]


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  1. Katherine
    November 22, 2015 / 7:29 pm

    Hi nic are wholemeal wraps a healthy option for lunch/weight loss? Or are they too processed? Thanks in advance x

    • November 22, 2015 / 8:00 pm

      No they’re great! Look for the 99 calorie ones in particular xx

      • Katherine
        November 22, 2015 / 8:08 pm

        What make are these? Xx

          • Katherine
            November 26, 2015 / 8:38 pm

            The 99kcal wraps xx

  2. Jane
    August 18, 2016 / 10:44 am

    Really sorry to bother you on an old-ish blog post. I wasn’t quit sure which post to ask this question on… I am thinking of taking a krill oil supplement (apparently better than fish oil) and I have in the past been advised 3x1g daily, which seems quite a lot. I am told the benefits of krill oil as a potent antioxidant and at reducing inflammation, but have also read on some sources that krill oil can cause/contribute to insulin resistance. I would really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.

    PS – what are you views on l-glutamine for leaky gut?

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