My Say Aloe Adventure Summary!

My Say Aloe Adventure Summary!

The other week I posted all about Say Aloe’s delicious reduced sugar Aloe Vera drinks, as well as their ‘bring adventure to your everyday’ challenge. I ended up choosing 4 out of their 8 adventure tips to implement over the period of a week and here is my update for how I got on!


As a reminder, or incase you haven’t read my previous blog post yet, the reduced sugar Aloe Vera drinks contain just 80 calories per bottle and 100% of your daily vitamin C requirement. They’re a great hydrating and healthy alternative to fizzy drinks and are ideal if you’re like me and aren’t too keen on water! My personal favourite flavour is mango and you can read more about how the drinks are made (including how how the aloe pulp is extracted!) in my previous blog post.


I really hope this blog post inspires you to bring some adventure into your everyday!


  • Escape Routine

Over the last few weeks I’ve been taking a 20 to 30 minute walk in the local park, on my lunch break to give my self a break from clinics and my computer. Walking over lunch gives me such a boost of positive energy for the afternoon and as a bonus I get to soak up some vitamin D in the sunshine too. I’m definitely going to keep this up and I’m even going to rope some colleagues in too!

P.S For when it’s raining I’ve purchased some short wellies that I keep under my desk!



  • Rise & Shine

I’m often guilty of hitting the snooze button not one but two or even three times after my alarm goes off.. but last week I decided to put an end to this by getting out of bed as soon as my alarm went off. I realised that it was so much easier to get up and out of bed without a snooze (which often makes me MORE sleepy!). Getting up as soon as my alarm sounded meant that I had the time to sit down and have a drink before doing a 30 minute workout and get ready all before leaving for work!



  • Refresh your Perspective

I usually listen to nutrition-related podcasts and read nutrition-related books, however this month I’ve been listening to a book titled ‘Why We Sleep’ and I’ve found it fascinating! I’ve been listening to it on the Audible app either on my way to work, whilst working at my laptop or on a walk in the country side and I really have been enjoying it; it definitely makes me go to bed on time that’s for sure!



  • Create Something

It’s been a while since I made a healthy curry but the other week I decided to make the effort and cook one for my husband and sister. It was so nice eating delicious food together at the table and I chose to cook a dish that I’ve cooked before (just to make things easy!) and I knew was delicious. It went down a treat!



The Say Aloe drinks are available from most supermarkets including Tesco, Morrison’s and Sainsbury’s.


I would love to know how you bring the adventure into the every day?!





*This blog post was written in collaboration with Say Aloe and it contains an #ad. All opinions are my own. Please read my disclaimer page for more information about brand collaborations.


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