Superfood Alternatives!

Superfood Alternatives!

“Superfoods” are generally classed as foods which are packed with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and/or essential nutrients, and as such are supposed to be beneficial to our overall health and wellbeing.


What you may not know though is that there isn’t actually a legal definition for what a “superfood” is, so really any food that provides nutrients is a superfood! In my opinion we should be celebrating more everyday superfoods; healthy foods that are either easier to get hold of or are cheaper!


This is why I’ve teamed up with to come up with 10 “superfood alternatives”. Simply scroll down to check out my latest video where I talk through them all, as well as a fab info-graphic that shows the nutrition and price comparisons of the foods too!



I really hope these comparisons help you to realise that healthy eating can not only be easy but can be cheap too. Sardines for example, which cost 48p per 100g, are less than half the price of salmon, which costs £1.10 per 100g, yet they contain similar amounts of omega-3, which protects the heart against disease, but three times as much vitamin B12, essential for energy. And broccoli, at 15p per 100g, is cheaper than kale, which costs 25p per 100g, yet contains more vitamin C and vitamin K, essential for heart function.


Superfood Alternatives



Eating more “superfoods” is always going to be a good idea, however we need to ensure that our overall diets are super too.. eating superfoods won’t undo a ‘bad diet’ but they can help to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals that we eat!


What are your top superfoods or superfood alternatives?!


P.S This article was featured in the Mail Online (how exciting!) as well as the GoCompare website!


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